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Friday, June 1, 2012

My Book Is In A Library---6/1/2012---9:33 a.m.

Hey Readers,

Once again I overreacted. It's different with strangers than with family. Put me in front of anybody, tell them anything you want about me, and I could care less what they think or what they say. Put me in front of family and I guess I just don't want to be a disappointment. I guess anybody can relate to that. Anywhoo, my sister came over after she got off work Wednesday evening and gave me a copy of the paper. The was the very first time that I wasn't on the front page, but I was actually kind of happy about it. My article was on page nine and it really did me justice. The headline had my name on it and beside my name said "Moving Up The Ladder of Success." She started of by calling me a mover and shaker. Then she ended the article by saying I was destined for greatness. The entire article took up almost half the page. It was awesome and I really am proud of it. It's one thing to have people calling me and saying, "Hey, you're in the paper again. I loved the article now tell me how I can get to your book and check it out." It's another thing to actually see the article myself.

So I got another call yesterday morning from the local library. I only picked up because I thought it was my mother calling. Instead, it was her manager. My mother had showed her my article and she wanted to check out my book. She was looking on Amazon and she couldn't find it. I know why she couldn't find it. She and everybody else that knows me are typing in my real name, because they don't know I go by Queen B. Besides, I don't think my titles pop up when you type in Queen B or What it Took to Get Her. You actually have to type in Boss Bitch Chronicles to find them. Anyways, I told her how to get to it. I'mma be honest, I told her not to read the first two preview chapters, because the entire time I was thinking about the masturbation scene at the end of chapter 1. I called her back and she loved it. She said, "I don't discriminate. She was impressed and tickled." Then she told me she was going to buy a copy to finish reading it. I said, "Well, it gets worse in part 2." She responded by simply saying, "Don't say worse, say better or deeper or something else like that. I'm a big girl. I can handle it. Besides I've already went through all of this before." That's when she told me, "I'm going to buy a copy for the library too, because I know a few people who likes to read these books." I was speechless. You know, in a past post, I told you guys about the time I was in Wal-mart with my mother and we were looking at books. I put my arm around her and said, "I want to she my book on the shelves next to my favorite authors." Well, the library is a far cry from being in stores, but it is definitely a start. Having my book in my local library puts it in the system for all the rest of the Desoto Parish libraries. Now that's what's amazing. Even if my books don't make it in stores within the next few months, I am genuinely happy...for now.

Until next time, why don't you tell me what you think.

Queen B.


  1. Thats so great that your book is in a library now(: I actually went and checked the book out I have only just started, but it is really good so far. I think many will like it because most if not all of us have went through a bad boy phase at one point. I'll be sure to put a review up on my blog when I'm finished.

    1. Thanks so much! I will greatly appreciate it.

      Queen B

  2. Hi Queen B. Congrats! That's very cool and a sure sign you are on the right path. Keep believing. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a great post. I smiled when I read it, partly because we're both 'anywhoo' gals and we seem to think alike. I know what you mean about some of the embarrassing content. I've turned a little pink-cheeked when asked about a couple of passages in Seduction of a Bluestocking. Story's got to be told and all...but, it still can get uncomfortable when your Granny asks you about it. :)
