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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Try Something New-10:13 a.m. -12/10/11

Dear Readers,

First of all I would like to say that I hope you are having a great holiday season so far. I know I am. I have family at home as we speak and it's not even Christmas yet. Good times, great stuff.

Just to catch you up on things, I am now working on Chapter 12 of part 2. I am going to try my best to have it all finished by New Year's Eve. That is my own personal deadline. Unfortunately, I will have to take a short break from things; because, I have a very important paper to write for my Student of the Year portfolio. Like I said before, your girl is no dummy.

Things are going very well on my end with this book, despite the fact that I've only sold one copy. I am really enjoying writing part two and I can't wait to publish the entire part 1 and part 2 as a novel. No matter how low my sales are, I will keep writing. Writing is my therapy, it soothes me. Have you ever heard a runner talk about getting a runner's high? Well, I get a writer's high. It's kind of hard to explain it; but, it's when I hit a certain part in my story and I just flow constantly. It's like when you read a book; but, you don't want to stop at least until the climax is over. Except, in my case, I am actually writing and I surprise myself of what comes to my mind. It makes me want to keep going. This is my "out of body experience." It has me telling myself, "Keep going, who knows what I'll think of next." For those of you who never experienced that feeling before, you should try it. Find something you love and get high off of it. Do drugs or paraphernalia needed. I can personally say that it's a wonderful feeling. So, whether it's running, writing, dancing, climbing mountains, or sky diving, just get out there and go for it.

Now that I have asked you to try something new, let me tell you what I've tried. Even though I didn't get into this business for the money, I did get in it for the exposure. Not to be notoriously known; but, to actually be known as an excellent and successful writer. I can't have either, without good publicity. That's is something that I've lacked from the get-go. So, I'm trying something new. I unpublished my book from Smashwords and Lulu. I don't know if I mentioned it or not before; but, I have also published through Kindle Direct Publishing. Well today when I logged on, I learned about Kindle Owner's Lending Library. On the website it says (and I quote)...

"When you make your book exclusive to Kindle for at least 90 days, it will be part of the Kindle Owners' Lending Library for the same period and you will earn your share of a monthly fund when readers borrow your books from the library. You will also be able to promote your book as free for up to 5 days during these 90 days."

This could be a good move or a bad move; but, I am in it until March 8, 2012. So, if you ever want to look at or buy my book, go to one of the following websites:







So, once again to my faithful readers and followers, thanks so much. Keep supporting me and tell all your friends. Tell a stranger of you have to. Until next time...

---Queen B

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